Adult Introductory Tennis


We presently provide enjoyable, friendly, and dynamic Rippner Beginners and Advanced Beginners Clinics with a flexible sign-up option. These clinics are available seven days a week, and each session costs $31. There are no mandatory minimum or maximum class attendance requirements per week for registration. Please refer to the most up-to-date schedule below!

Our Adult Beginner Classes cater to individuals who are new to tennis and have minimal or no prior tennis experience. Our coaches will introduce you to the fundamentals, irrespective of your fitness level or sporting background. Our emphasis is on ensuring your comfort as you learn crucial tennis terminology, master the basics of strokes, and discover how to engage in a lively back-and-forth with the ball in a supportive environment. We guarantee that after just one class, you will gain increased confidence in your tennis knowledge!

If you’ve been away from the court for a while but have a solid grasp of the basics and fundamentals, our Advanced Beginner Clinic is the perfect choice for you. It serves as an excellent re-entry point for individuals with limited experience or those seeking a refresher on the fundamentals without going over overly remedial material. Participants should be capable of serving the ball with some degree of success and maintaining a rally more consistently as they progress towards match play.

Rippner Adult Intro classes at our South Austin location:

Rippner Adult Intro classes at our Pharr Tennis Center (East Austin) location:

Rippner Adult Intro classes at our Williamson County location: